3DExperience – Requirements Manager role Presentation
3DExperience Platform – developed by Dassault Systemes company – is a business platform which provides solutions to each department in your company, ranging from marketing or sales to engineering, helping to create value and experience that can make a major difference to customers. In order to achieve the best coverage of your business 3DEXPERIENCE is structured on roles. INOTERV Technical Team presents to you the functionality and processes covered by some of the leading roles in the below video.
During this presentation you will have the opportunity to discover more about the role of Requirements Manager, information such as:
-Reduction of the number of unsuccessful new products in the market through customer involvement and product development based on requirements;
-Compliance with standards and regulations by controlling the process of requirement management;
-Improve product quality and customer satisfaction with new products, designed and developed to accurately reflect the customer’s voice;
-Reducing growth costs and recovery by filling the gaps between product requirements, design, and launch;
-Improving visibility, team communication, and collaboration, because teams will use a central storage space and a common platform for managing requirements;
-Improved traceability for requirements.