Technia is a leading global supplier of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions for creating and managing product information throughout the entire product lifecycle, from product planning, development and design to production, sales, training and support.

A management system for Product Data Quality (PDQ), Q-Checker is the world’s leading system for quality assurance in virtual development. Read more.

myPLM accelerates the usage of complex CAx environments and helps to manage various releases, license configurations and add-on tools. Read more.

CATIA Automotive Extensions Vehicle Architecture – CAVA ensures the legality of the vehicle architecture, international rules, norms and standards during the entire design process. Read more.

xCompare compares CATIA V5, SMG and JT data, to find differences in two revisions of products, parts and drawings or to verify the conversion process. Read more.

Q-Monitor makes Product Data Quality (PDQ) visible throughout the entire process chain, providing results that reflect either the current status or data quality over time. Read more.

Q-PLM technology is based on tremendous experience of integrating Q-Checker with an extensive list of PDM systems, including Dassault Systèmes’ ENOVIA SmarTeam; ENOVIA MatrixOne, etc. and data exchange servers such as OpenDXM, TRUfusion and SWAN. Read more.

LiteComply checks whether the JT models are in line with the development policies of customers regarding geometry, structure and methodology and thereby meet the requirements for the follow-up processes. Read more.

LiteBox3D is an easy to use JT viewer, based on the specification of the JT ISO standard. Moreover PLMXML, STEP AP242 XML and TIFF files are supported. Read more.