MSC Marc
MSC Marc
Advanced Nonlinear and Multiphysics
Marc is a powerful, general-purpose, nonlinear finite element analysis solution to accurately simulate the product behavior under static, dynamic and multi-physics loading scenarios. Marc’s versatility in modeling nonlinear material behaviors and transient environmental conditions makes it ideal to solve your complex design problems.
Nonlinear Analysis for Improved Designs
Nature is nonlinear. Using Marc, capture the inherent nonlinear behavior of designs accurately to improve product quality, reduce testing costs, and improve reliability incorporating the true product environment. Marc, the dedicated nonlinear finite element analysis (FEA) solver from MSC Software, is designed to simulate complex nonlinear behavior of engineering materials. Through its innovative simulation tools, Marc offers creative solutions to nonlinear problems, saves time, and improves productivity
Accurate Nonlinear Analysis
Products are designed to withstand multiple loading scenarios under various environmental conditions. Hence, it is important to be able to simulate these conditions in order to get a clearer picture of the product behavior and to improve your designs. Marc offers a broad class of solution procedures that you can use to virtually simulate the desired testing conditions and service loads.
The industry proven, state of the art methodologies are designed to provide you with accuracy and efficiency that you require in your development process.
Nonlinear Material Models
The spectrum of engineering materials in use is growing, and so is the need for extensive testing of products designed with these materials. Customizable materials like composites, plastics, elastomers, and new metal like shape memory alloys are helping engineers improve their products while operating under engineering constraints.
Marc provides users the ability to model a broad range of materials, including metals, shape memory alloys, super-plastic materials, composites, wood, plastics, rubbers, glass, concrete, powder, metals, and many more. The models incorporate temperature effects, rate effects, and damage so they can accurately predict the behavior throughout a product’s operating range. Marc also offers an easy approach to implement new material models that used in state of the art designs and research. So, whether your designs use metals like steel and aluminum or complex materials like composites, solder, or foams, Marc provides you with industry accepted material models to accurately model their behavior.
Multiphysics and Coupled Analysis for Real World Behavior
As newer materials are used in designs to benefit from their unique properties, it also becomes important to model the physics that control their behavior. For example, piezoelectric materials accumulate electric charge when subjected to mechanical stress, and this phenomenon is used in some sensors, actuators, and motors. Also, the phenomenon of Joule heating or resistive heating due to the electric energy converted to heat has multiple applications including cooking plates and automotive defroster grids.
The multiphysics capability of Marc, when combined with its superior nonlinear structural analysis, provides more accurate results leading to better and improved designs of your structural systems.
Marc can be used to couple structural, thermal, magnetostatics, electrostatics, induction heating, electromagnetic and fluids (laminar flow with small structural deformation) behaviors. The coupling capabilities are also highly useful to improve the accuracy of manufacturing simulations like welding, curing, and forming.
Easy to set up Contact Analysis
Almost all designs involve interaction with other components within an assembly or interaction between assemblies transferring forces across the contact zones. In a nonlinear analysis, force direction and magnitude along with the contact zone often change continuously. For analysis accuracy, it is critical to study the normal contact stresses and the shear stresses transmitted during the component interaction.
Marc offers a unique approach in tackling this tough problem with the use of smart procedures and easy set up. Intuitive and easy contact body definitions and automatic contact boundary detection relieve users of the burden to create contact interfaces or define master and slave surfaces. Since Marc is designed to handle both small sliding and large sliding between contact bodies with a single algorithm, users do not need to be concerned about the approach they need to use for their specific problem. Smarter procedures which do not sacrifice performance make for less work for users, while providing improved accuracy.
Failure Analysis for Better Products
Prediction of failure greatly helps with improving your designs, thus extending product life and reducing warranty costs. Because of the complex loading a structure could undergo during its life, it is very expensive to physically test all design for all loading scenarios.
Multiple damage models are available for brittle materials such as concrete, ductile metals, and rubber materials. Modern composite materials provide new challenges, and Marc provides leading models to predict matrix, fiber, and delamination failures. Advanced fracture mechanics capabilities help to predict both crack initiation and crack propagation. These procedures may be used with a wide range of materials and for virtually all geometries. This provides you the tools to ensure reliable, safe designs.
Automatic Adaptive Meshing
During certain manufacturing processes or sealing applications, the material undergoes severe deformation due to the applied loads or contact forces. These deformations can be so large that the finite element mesh used for analysis could become highly distorted and stall the solver. Marc offers an innovative solution to overcome this problem through the use of automatic remeshing.
During the analysis, if elements become severely distorted, Marc automatically creates a new mesh from the deformed boundary.
The state of the material (stresses, strains, deformations) along with contact conditions are transferred to the new, well structured mesh, and the analysis is carried further with the new mesh. This process is repeated as many times as necessary without user intervention allowing you to solve tougher, complex nonlinear problems
Marc provides the ability to customize the analysis software through the use of user subroutines. Over 175 are available to incorporate advanced material models, load and boundary conditions, or element technology. The GUI – can be easily customized using Python
Geometry and Meshing
• Import CAD files in neutral formats of ACIS, STEP, STL, IGES, VDAFS, and Parasolid
• Import geometry in native CAD formats of CATIA V4, CATIA V5, Pro/ENGINEER, Solidworks, Unigraphics, JT, Inventor, and DXF
• Create and edit curves, surfaces, and solids
• Create 1D, 2D, and 3D lower and higher elements using automatic mesh generators
• Refine and edit mesh entities
• Create springs and dashpots for analysis
• Create discrete connecters such as RBE2, RBE3, Servo-links, CBUSH, CFAST, and CWELD
• Insert nodes or elements within other elements
Material Modeling
• Define nonlinear material parameters’
• Curve fit experimental data to obtain parameters for elastomers
• Specify temperature dependent material properties
• Define properties as functions of other independent variables
Loads and Boundary Conditions
• Define required forces, moments, displacements, pressures, and rotations
• Specify boundary conditions relevant to each multiphysics model set up
• Apply boundary conditions to geometric entities to easily transfer to associated mesh
• Define boundary conditions as functions of other independent variables
• Group loads and boundary conditions into load cases easily
• Easily define deformable and rigid contact bodies
• Automatically create contact bodies from CAD assembly models
• Customize contact interaction using contact tables
• Define friction coefficients and other parameters for contact analysis
• Supports large deformation interference fit
• Support contact in multiphysics applications.
Modeling Tools
• Easily create bolt models and loads for assembly analysis
• Create gas filled closed cavities and analyze their influence on structural response
• Transfer pre-state from one analysis to another
• Map results from axisymmetric analysis to a 3D model
• Create symmetry and cyclic symmetry boundary conditions
• Define welding paths and filler elements for welding analysis
• Activate and Deactivate elements
• Define crack tips for fracture analysis
• Define electrical coil windings for electromagnetic analyses
• Obtain plots of results in format you desire including contour plots, contour lines, cutting planes, iso-surfaces, and more
• Plot time variation of any of the results saved at any arbitrary location
• Use path plot to review the spatial variation of any result along any arbitrary path
• Create images and movies for reports and presentations
• Track material particle flow
Static Analysis
• Perform linear and nonlinear static analysis to virtually test your designs
• Include advanced nonlinear material models
• Incorporate both large deformation and large strain behavior
• Accurately model nonlinear boundary conditions including follower force effects, foundations, and contact
• Perform creep simulations to determine the long term response of the structure.
• Perform post-buckling analysis to perform stability studies
• Determine the inertia relief force to balance free structures
• Perform steady-state rolling analysis of tires
• Perform mechanical wear analysis due to friction
• Export or Import DMIG files for compatibility with MSC Nastran
• Perform global-local analysis to better capture local behavior
Dynamic Analysis
• Perform natural mode analysis of structures to determine structural stability under dynamic loads
• Conduct frequency response analysis subjected to harmonic loads or random vibrations to analyze structural performance
• Include advanced damping models that incorporate frequency and deformation dependent damping observed in rubber and plastics
• Obtain insight into dynamic performance of structures through transient analysis
• Gain improved accuracy through accurate modeling of contact, nonlinear materials, and loading conditions
• Create Modal Neutral Files (MNF) that may be shared with Adams including nonlinear preload
Heat Transfer
• Perform steady-state and transient analysis for one-, two-, and three dimensional bodies
• Obtain temperature distributions in a structure for linear and nonlinear heat transfer problems
• Model nonlinearities including temperature-dependent properties, latent heat (phase change) effect, heat convection in the flow direction, and nonlinear boundary conditions (convection and radiation)
• Compute radiation view factors faster and more accurately
• Simulate thermal degradation of Thermal Protection Systems (TPS) with advanced
pyrolysis model
• Perform ablation analysis for space systems, brakes, and bio-medical applications
• Compute heat fluxes across multiple components that come into contact
Thermomechanical Coupling
• Analyze structural response due to temperature changes in the environment and thermal gradients in the structure
• Model heat generation due to plasticity and friction between different components for accurate physics
• Incorporate heat generation due to curing in composite manufacturing.
• Simulate the influence of annealing
• Simulate the effects of changes to thermal boundary conditions due to large deformations
Acoustics and CoupleD Acoustic-Structural Analysis
• Perform acoustic analysis in rigid and deformable cavities
• Calculate fundamental frequencies of the cavity, as well as the pressure distribution in the cavity
• Compute the effect of the acoustic medium on the dynamic response of the structure and the influence of the structure on the dynamic response of the acoustic medium
• Use contact body definition to simplify model creation using dissimilar meshes
Fluid Mechanics
• Perform laminar flow analysis with Navier-Stokes equations
• Conduct studies that involve fluid-thermal coupling, fluid-solid coupling and fluid-thermal-solid coupling
• Solve steady state and transient flow problems in two- and three-dimension
Electromagnetic Analysis
• Perform transient and harmonic fully coupled electromagnetic analysis to calculate electrical and magnetic fields subjected to external excitation
• Compute magnetic permeability as a function of magnetic field in a transient analysis
• Calculate magnetic flux density, magnetic field vector, electric flux density, and electrical field intensity along with potential, nodal charge, and current
Piezoelectric Analysis
• Simulate piezoelectric effect of coupling of stress and electric field in a material
• Solve for nodal displacements and electrical potential simultaneously
• Perform static, transient dynamic, harmonic, and eigenvalue analysis to better understand material response
• Couple with heat transfer analysis to perform a coupled thermal-piezoelectric analysis
Electrostatics and Magneto-statics
• Evaluate electric fields and magnetic fields in a body or medium
• Compute electric potential field, electric displacement vectors, magnetic induction, magnetic field vector, and more to gain insight
• Model infinite domain with semi-infinite elements for improved accuracy
• Determine the capacitance between electrical conductors in electrostatic analyses
• Calculate the inductance due to wires or coils in magneto-static analyses
Coupled Electromagnetic-Thermal Analysis (Induction Heating)
• Simulate induction heating with staggered approach of harmonic electromagnetic analysis followed by thermal analysis
• Compute induced current which generate heat and heat flux
• Incorporate temperature dependency for material data for improved accuracy
Coupled Electrical-Thermal-Mechanical Analysis
• Simulate structural response due to Joule heating effects
• Account for nonlinearities that arise due to convection, radiation, and temperature dependent thermal conductivity and specific heat
• Simulate structures with nonlinearities due to geometric and material behavior
• Use contact analysis to analyze interaction between multiple components
Coupled Electrostatic-Structural Analysis
• Simulate the influence of Coulomb forces on structural components and deformation influence on electrostatic field
• Model contact between different bodies and simulate influence of their interaction on the field
Coupled Thermal-Electrical Analysis (Joule Heating)
• Compute heat generated due to electric flow in a conductor
• Model temperature dependent resistance and internal heat generation as a function of the electrical flow
• Determine the resistance of the device
Coupled Magneto-static- Structural Analysis
• Simulate the influence of Lorentz forces on structural components and deformation influence on magneto-static field
• Model contact between different bodies and simulate influence of their interaction on the field
Coupled Electromagnetic- Structural -Thermal Analysis
• Simulate induction heating with staggered approach of harmonic electromagnetic analysis followed by thermal-stress analysis
• Compute induced current which generate heat and heat flux
• Incorporate temperature dependency for material data for improved accuracy
• Accurately determine the surface strains and stresses
• Utilize either adaptive meshing or a dualmesh approach to model large motion through the air
• Predict the amount of power required for surface treatment
Elastic-Plastic Materials
• Model isotropic, orthotropic, and anisotropic elastic materials
• Use isotropic, kinematic, or combined hardening rules to model work hardening
• Model plasticity accurately selecting from a choice of yield criteria, including von Mises, Hill anisotropic yield function, Barlat, Mohr-Coulomb, and Exponential Cap Model
• Simulate granular material behavior accurately through powder material model
• Study the effects of cyclic plasticity on plastic strains using the Chaboche model
• Model the damage of ductile metals
• Incorporate thermal and rate effects with the Power law models, Johnson-Cook, Cowper-Symmonds, or Kumar models
Time-dependent Inelastic Material Models
• Analyze creep which is an important phenomenon at higher temperature stress analysis
• Study the combined effects of plasticity and creep on structural behavior
• Simulate the dilatation creep (swelling) on a structure for improved accuracy
• Analyze isotropic and anisotropic behavior through thermos-rheologically simple viscoelastic material model
• Incorporate frequency dependent damping models based upon the viscoelastic nature of rubber and plastics
• Improve result accuracy with material models of choice to model viscoplastic behavior
• Include temperature effects in creep and relaxation studies for improved results
Composite Materials
• Model shell structures with layers composed of different materials or layers of the same anisotropic material with various layer thicknesses and different orientations
• Incorporate both linear and nonlinear material properties in each layer
• Model the degradation of the material using progressive failure analysis (PFA)
• Model the delamination of materials
• Use any of the multiple orientation specification options that provide modeling flexibility
Nonlinear Hypoelastic Material
• Model a generalized nonlinear elastic material to simulate behavior of materials with nonlinear stress-strain relationship
• Use any of the multiple modeling options, which include stress-strain relationship based model, strain invariant model, principal strain space model, bimodulus elasticity which could incorporate no tension, limited tension, no compression, or limited compression
• Choose from multiple material models including Generalized Mooney-Rivlin, Ogden, Arruda-Boyce, Bergstrom-Boyce, Gent, and Marlow to represent elastomers
• Easily obtain required material parameters for elastomeric material models through integrated curve fitting functionality
• Analyze thermal effects and creep/ relaxation of elastomers through large strain viscoelastic model
Shape Memory Material
• Simulate the reversible, thermoelastic transformation of shape memory alloys between high temperature austenitic phase and low temperature martensitic phase
• Model transformation induced deformation and irreversible permanent deformation of the martensite
• Choose from mechanical and thermomechanical shape memory models depending on your loading conditions
Special Class Materials
• Model complex, multi-layer gasket elements that are often made of different materials of varying thickness
• Model complex loading and unloading behavior
• Perform mechanical, thermal, or thermos-mechanically coupled analyses for desired accuracy and required outputs in a gasket analysis
• Analyze low tension materials like concrete to accurately determine structural strength and behavior under complex loads
• Incorporate rebars to model reinforced structures like composites, biological materials, or reinforced concrete
• Analyze soil material behavior using formulations like Drucker-Prager, Mohr- Coulomb, Cam-Clay, Exponential Cap, and their variations
Contact Setup
• Define contact bodies (linear and quadratic) by selecting elements without the need to define contact boundary elements
• Reduce contact set up time through automatic contact boundary detection
• Reduce your modeling time and improve accuracy by using the CAD geometry surfaces and curves to define rigid bodies
• Apply velocities, displacement, loads, moments, and rotations to rigid bodies
• Use rigid bodies to apply symmetry boundary conditions
• Use contact tables to customize contact detection between bodies
• Accurately analyze contact between shells and shells or shells and solids
• Predict contact on both sides of shells
• Analyze beam contact with arbitrary beam cross-sections
• Analyze tube-in-tube contact behavior observed in the oil, automotive, and biomedical industries using beam elements but with 3D contact behavior
• Use segment-to-segment contact method for smoother results contours and to overcome the limitations of master-slave contact method
• Easily model interference fit and overclosure
• Specify different friction coefficients between different contact pairs
• Choose from multiple friction models to suit your requirements-Coulomb friction, shear friction, stick-slip friction, and bilinear friction model
• Use glue option to analyze contact with very high friction by preventing relative tangential motion
• Analyze glue failure between contact bodies by automatic glue deactivation
Contact in Coupled Analysis
• Perform thermal contact analysis without structural analysis to study heat transfer between different bodies
• Study effects of friction generated heat on structural behavior with support for coupled analysis
• Analyze flow of current between contact bodies for accurate result
Contact Results
• Analyze the progression of contact between contact bodies
• Study the contact forces and pressures and map the distribution in the contact regions
• Sum up the contact forces on a body to evaluate the total forces
Contact Setup
• Define contact bodies (linear and quadratic) by selecting elements without the need to define contact boundary elements
• Reduce contact set up time through automatic contact boundary detection
• Reduce your modeling time and improve accuracy by using the CAD geometry surfaces and curves to define rigid bodies
• Apply velocities, displacement, loads, moments, and rotations to rigid bodies
• Use rigid bodies to apply symmetry boundary conditions
• Use contact tables to customize contact detection between bodies
• Accurately analyze contact between shells and shells or shells and solids
• Predict contact on both sides of shells
• Analyze beam contact with arbitrary beam cross-sections
• Analyze tube-in-tube contact behavior observed in the oil, automotive, and biomedical industries using beam elements but with 3D contact behavior
• Use segment-to-segment contact method for smoother results contours and to overcome the limitations of master-slave contact method
• Easily model interference fit and overclosure
• Specify different friction coefficients between different contact pairs
• Choose from multiple friction models to suit your requirements-Coulomb friction, shear friction, stick-slip friction, and bilinear friction model
• Use glue option to analyze contact with very high friction by preventing relative tangential motion
• Analyze glue failure between contact bodies by automatic glue deactivation
Contact in Coupled Analysis
• Perform thermal contact analysis without structural analysis to study heat transfer between different bodies
• Study effects of friction generated heat on structural behavior with support for coupled analysis
• Analyze flow of current between contact bodies for accurate result
Contact Results
• Analyze the progression of contact between contact bodies
• Study the contact forces and pressures and map the distribution in the contact regions
• Sum up the contact forces on a body to evaluate the total forces
Damage Models
• Compute damage accumulation in ductile materials using the Bonora or Gursovoid growth-based model
• Calculate damage factors using Lemaitre, Cockroft-Latham, or Oyane model
• Simulate Mullin’s effect and damage accumulation due to polymer chain breakage in elastomers
• Combine rubber damage model with viscoelastic behavior using the Bergstrom- Boyce model
• Study brittle cracking and crushing in concrete
Fracture Mechanics
• Evaluate energy release rate using Lorenzi method or Virtual Crack Closure Technique (VCCT)
• Evaluate J-integral based on domain integration method and compute stress intensity factors for the three modes
• Compute energy release rates for brittle and ductile materials at small and large strains
Composite Failure
• Analyze laminate failure by choosing from industry accepted failure criteria that include maximum stress and strain criteria, Hill, Hoffman, Tsai-Wu, Hashin, Hashin Fabric, Hashin tape, Puck, and Strain Invariant Failure Theory (SIFT) failure criteria
• Analyze progressive failure of composites
• Study delamination failure using Cohesive Zone Modeling of the bonding between lamina
Automatic Crack Propagation
• Analyze crack growth under direct loading or fatigue loading
• Simulate crack growth along edges or along contact region
• Simulate crack propagation either through the elements or utilizing automatic adaptive meshing
• Analyze mechanical erosion due to impact of particles, part vibration, or shear stress due to flow
• Study erosion due to pyrolysis involving decomposition of material due to thermal process
• Model thermochemical ablation of material subjected to high thermal fluxes
• Study tool effectiveness by simulating tool wear
• Use solvers designed for best performance, including multifrontal, Pardiso, MUMPS, and CASI iterative solver
• Use iterative solvers to run larger models without high memory usage
• Use out-of-core option to make efficient use of disk space to solve large models
• Benefit from NVIDIA™ GPU for improved performance
• Solver specific bandwidth optimization to reduce storage space
• Speed up your solution by using all available cores on multicore desktops
• Obtain true parallelization through Domain Decomposition Method by parallelizing all phases of the solution – namely input, assembly, solution, stress recovery, and output
• Automatic and manual decomposition of the model for parallelization
• Make the best use of your hardware – whether a shared memory parallel or distributed memory parallel system