Manufacturing Operations in the Cloud
DELMIA in the cloud helps manufacturers and service providers collaborate, model, optimize, and perform production operations. Operational excellence requires compliance across the value web.
In the cloud, DELMIA offers solutions to leverage the virtual modeling and simulation world together with the real world of operations to provide a complete solution to value network stakeholders from suppliers to manufacturers, logistics and shipping providers, service operators and workforce.
Manufactured Items Engineer (MFN-OC)
Easily Define the Manufactured Item Structure (MBOM) directly from the 3D design data
Manufactured Items Manager (MFN) allows the Manufacturing Bill of Material or MBOM (also known as the Manufacturing Items Structure) to be defined, managed, and updated directly from the 3D design data. MFN is a web based solution that uses the 3D Product Structure as input for authoring the Manufacturing Items Structure, allowing it to be leveraged across Manufacturing and Production. When creating the MBOM, users can choose to display the Engineering Structure, the Manufacturing Structure, or both. Users can easily create a structure of the new MBOM. They can simply drag and drop the design data to begin from scratch, create it from the existing product structure, or from a template they have previously created. Users can review the status of items as they create the new structure and as it is updated from the Product Structure.
Manage the Manufactured Items Structure
As updates occur in the Product Structure, MFN allows the user to view the status of the items assigned in the MBOM. During creation or update of the MBOM, users can easily reconcile the objects. Since users have a view of objects that have been used in the MBOM and their status (new, removed, etc.), they gain a clearer understanding of how engineering changes affect the MBOM.
Leverage the MBOM across DELMIA applications
When the MBOM structure has been authored using MFN, it can then be leveraged across the DELMIA applications in Process Planning, Robotics, Ergonomics, and Fabrication. The seamless integration between the DELMIA applications promotes digital continuity across the enterprise.
Simple to use interface
This light and easy authoring tool is easy to use and deploy, providing easy access for creating the Manufactured Item structure (MBOM). The widget can be used in a customized dashboard in combination of other widgets to fit the user’s needs, like 3D Play or Change Management for example. Drag and drops between widgets provides easy and efficient user interaction.
Easy creation of the Manufactured Items Structure
MFN allows users to create the MBOM from scratch, or create it from the existing product structure, or from a template. The user defined templates save time and reduce re-work by allowing the user to create and then apply the templates to new products or variants. Users can also create a custom Manufactured Items Structure based on their own business rules; for example, they can consume only specific items from the Product Structure based on attribute values. Users can choose to display the Engineering Product Structure, the Manufactured Items Structure, or both. While authoring, the 3D widget helps users gain a better understanding by providing a 3D view of the Product data.
Quick and efficient updates of the MBOM
When updates are made to the Engineering Product Structure, tools in MFN along with common change and configuration tools on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, allow the user to easily manage and reconcile the updates in the MBOM. MFN makes it easy for users to easily understand how engineering changes impact the Manufactured Items Structure at any stage of the engineering process.
Define alternate parts or assemblies
When parts and assemblies are defined, there may be different design configurations or suppliers for the parts. Users of MFN can create alternate parts and assemblies for production planning. They can also manage manufacturing alternatives, plant responsibilities and make/buy decisions for Parts and Assemblies.
Export MBOM
Once the user has completed the Manufacturing BOM structure, it can be exported in CSV format. The output can then be used for downstream processes, such as procurement by the ERP system.
NC Milling Machining Programmer
Create, optimize and validate complex milling programs on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform
NC Milling Machining Programmer (NMG) lets users program milling machines to produce 3D parts that require advanced 2.5-axis and 3-axis milling, axial, and probing operations plus the ability to switch to 5-axis motion. Built on the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform, NMG immerses NC Programmers in a lifelike virtual workplace where they create, optimize, and validate milling programs. Programmers easily access current information for machining resources, NC programs, and part setup.NMG provides a full set of features for workpiece setup, cutter tool assembly, and toolpath simulation that includes material removal, machine-tool simulation and NC code generation. NC Programmers can capture and leverage enterprise intellectual property and collaborate with other stakeholders.
NMG provides a full set of features for workpiece setup, cutter tool assembly, and toolpath simulation that includes material removal and NC code generation. NC Programmers can capture and leverage enterprise intellectual property and collaborate with other stakeholders.
Work with high-efficiency programming tools in a virtual workspace
• Reduce NC programming time
◦ NMG makes NC Programmers more efficient with features like intuitive graphic dialog boxes, traffic light indicators for undefined machining parameters, and a help icon for each parameter operation. When NC programs are authored or edited, NMG takes into account the machine tools kinematic definition. Tool changes and machine rotations are automatically generated and can be visualized in the machining operation definition panel
• Maximize machine tool utilization
◦ NMG’s wide range of operations and strategies helps programmers create toolpath programs that minimize non-value-added motion. Optimized NC programs, including high-speed machining features, reduce overall machining cycle time. NMG takes in-process parts into account to generate collision-free tool paths. The 3-to-5 converter option provides the best of both worlds: high-speed milling wherever the initial constant tool axis can be held, and high-quality machining without tool change with 5-axis motion locally
• Mitigate risk to production
◦ Milling Machining Programmer’s 3D environment enables programmers to create optimized NC programs in the manufacturing context, with NC machine, cutter, tool assemblies, NC accessories and more. This provides a better understanding of the machining cell and ensures that the tool path and machining strategy take the tool’s physical environment into account. It reduces the risk of unexpected issues at the machine and the resulting production delays. NMG enables efficient impact analysis, which helps in decision-making. For example, checking the list of all the processes that use a given cutter before adopting a new reference to it
• Leverage intellectual property
◦ NMG improves automation and standardization of NC toolpath programs. Users can define and store machining processes for multi-pocket operations as dedicated templates and store them in catalogs for reuse. Enterprise IP is capitalized and recycled to make programming more efficient. The gains in productivity and machining-work standardization are significant
• A single design-to-machining solution to better understand engineering changes
◦ Based on the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform, NMG provides an unrivaled level of associativity between product engineering, manufacturing processes, and resources. Companies can manage concurrent engineering and manufacturing flows more effectively and shorten the design-to-manufacturing cycle. NMG offers industry-best support of design changes and design variants and the rapid creation of programs for families of parts. Native implementation links connect machining programs to engineering and manufacturing data, for cutters, for example. These links can be used to see which machining programs are impacted by engineering or manufacturing changes, ensuring that machining data is up to date with engineering changes.
Powerful tools for creating and managing milling programs
• A Setup Wizard and an immersive, context-based user interface
◦ NMG immerses users in a realistic 3D environment. A toolpath creation wizard and context-based menus are available to help do quick 3D setup and create the NC tool path. Traffic lights signal if parameters need to be defined. If a user clicks on a Help icon while editing a parameter, an image describing the parameter pops up in the panel. Users can quickly organize programs in the activities process tree using copy-and-paste functions. Tool changes and machine rotations are automatically generated and can be visualized in the activity process tree
• Manage and program machining resources
◦ NMG lets users manage CNC machines, accessories, tools and tool assemblies. These resources can be retrieved through standard search capabilities, using relevant machining attributes, and instantiated in a machining cell. Users can clearly see the impact of changes on the definition of objects such as parts or cutting tools across all NC processes and programs. NMG supports default or customized representations of the cutter and tool assemblies that are used for verification, simulation with material removal, and collision checking
• Automatic association of prismatic machining features with part design
◦ NMG automatically recognizes the prismatic machining features of the product design, significantly reducing toolpath programming time. A manufacturing view of the design part is generated, with all the drilling and milling features that are to be machined. Through this embedded feature-recognition technology, NMG enables toolpath programming for geometrical-machined, feature-creation design parts—even those with no design feature specifications
• Best-in-class machining strategies for efficient programming of milling machines
◦ NMG offers a broad range of machining operations for toolpath definition, including pocketing, facing and contouring. These operations can be defined as multi-level and multi-pass. The tool path can be optimized for high-speed or point-to-point machining and for a full set of axial operations from standard drilling to complex boring and chamfering. NMG offers unique functionalities for creating and verifying milling, drilling, and probing operations. Probing operations are very flexible and can be customized with associated user parameters. NMG extends the 2.5 axis capabilities by offering a best-in-class 4-axis pocketing operation that includes a variety of strategies, island management and user-defined lead angle on the tool axis for better cutting conditions. This operation also supports non-cylindrical and non-conical surfaces and revolution surfaces going beyond the 180 degrees
• High-end strategies from roughing to finishing
◦ NMG offers a full set of high-end strategies from roughing to finishing, such as sweeping, Z-Level, contour-driven machining, and curve machining. It automatically generates tool paths for the entire part. Users can also author operations needed to machine specific features. High-speed milling features and specific pattern operations for hard-material machining, such as concentric, trochoid, and helix 3D are included. The concentric strategy controls the radial engagement to maximize the efficiency on the machine while protecting the cutter. With this powerful combination, users can drive program generation to shape a proven-quality tool path and get the best possible machine usage
• Powerful roughing and seamless roughing rework
◦ Users can select a roughing strategy—such as back-and-forth, helical, concentric or part-offset—based on the material being machined and the shape of the part. NMG takes tool assemblies into account during computation to generate a collision-free tool path. As roughing operations are defined, the in-process part is computed and used as the starting point for the next set of operations. Users can then create a new roughing operation with a smaller diameter tool. This tool path is automatically generated based on material that remains from any previous operation, including roughing
• Supports On – the – Go (Disconnected Mode)
◦ The new On – the – Go option allows Simulation Engineers to disconnect from the 3DEXPERIENCE® Platform for up to 30 days. Once disconnected, the user can continue to use the capabilities of the Machining application. Tool Paths, Operations, Profiles and other features can be created and edited while disconnected. Upon reconnecting, automatic data reconciliation will ensure your changes are preserved in the database
• Tool path optimization: early resolution of NC machine kinematics errors
◦ NMG lets users identify potential machine-tool kinematic issues during toolpath computation and automatically correct the tool path when errors are found. Kinematic-related errors, such as axis out-of-limit and singularity issues that are normally discovered downstream during machine-tool simulation or physical test runs are now found and solved at the earliest possible point in the business process—during toolpath computation–resulting in huge productivity gains
• Instant Update Technology, and advanced design change management
◦ Adjusting parameters in the machining operation, fine-tuning the approach/retract macro, and optimizing path sequencing are achieved almost instantaneously in NMG with this unique technology. Built on the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform, NMG offers complete associativity with design tools, product engineering, manufacturing processes, and resources. Users are automatically alerted to product design changes and can quickly assess their impact on the machining process. They can easily update the toolpath program
• Advanced simulation capability
◦ NMG has powerful simulation capabilities for toolpath validation. This simulation functionality brings one of the most advanced machine simulation modules to the market to identify potential issues earlier in the process. NMG has the capability to compute the volume of gouges in the workpiece, making it easier for users to prioritize and process gouges in machining programs. Near misses, which are the user defined safety distance, are also identified and multiple tool change locations are also supported for a more accurate simulation of the machine motions. The simulation context , saved in the 3DExperience platform, allows the user to organize his review the most convenient way for him and it also ensures traceability of the validation task. It allows users to program, optimize and validate the machining in the most efficient way. It lets NC Programmers identify toolpath errors earlier in the process and shortens programming time
• Seamless NC data generation
◦ NMG offers seamless generation of APT source and NC Code ISO format through the integrated post-processor execution engine, the library of standard post-processor syntax mapping tables and Post Processor samples. The output formats can easily be customized. The output is generated and managed in the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform. Additional files generated by the post-processor are also automatically saved, so all relevant outputs for any part are current and available at the same location. Key information can be exported as documentation for ready reference on the shop floor
NC Mold & Die Programmer (NMD-OC)
Produce 3D parts that require 2.5-axis and 3-axis milling machines
NC Mold & Die Programmer (NMD) allows users to program milling machines to produce 3D parts that require advanced 2.5-axis and 3-axis milling, axial, and probing operations plus the ability to switch to 5-axis motion. Built on the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform, NMD immerses NC Programmers in a lifelike virtual workplace to create and validate milling programs. Programmers easily access current information for machining resources, NC programs, and part setup.
NMD provides a full set of features for workpiece setup, cutter tool assembly, and toolpath simulation that includes material removal, machine-tool simulation and NC code generation. NC Programmers can capture and leverage enterprise intellectual property and collaborate with other stakeholders.
Reduce NC programming time
NMD makes NC Programmers more efficient with features like intuitive graphic dialog boxes, traffic light indicators for undefined machining parameters, and a help icon for each parameter operation. When NC programs are authored or edited, NMD takes into account the machine tools kinematic definition. Tool changes and machine rotations are automatically generated and can be visualized in the machining operation definition panel.
Maximize machine tool utilization
NMD’s wide range of operations and strategies helps programmers create toolpath programs that minimize non-value-added motion. Optimized NC programs, including high-speed machining features, reduce overall machining cycle time. NMD takes in-process parts into account to generate collision-free tool paths. The 3-to-5 converter option provides the best of both worlds: high-speed milling wherever the initial constant tool axis can be held, and high-quality machining without tool change with 5-axis motion locally.
Mitigate risk to production
NC Mold & Die Programmer’s 3D environment enables programmers to create optimized NC programs in the manufacturing context, with NC machine, cutter, tool assemblies, NC accessories and more. This provides a better understanding of the machining cell and ensures that the tool path and machining strategy take the tool’s physical environment into account. It reduces the risk of unexpected issues at the machine and the resulting production delays. NMD enables efficient impact analysis, which helps in decision-making. For example, checking the list of all the processes that use a given cutter before adopting a new reference to it.
Leverage intellectual property
NMD improves automation and standardization of NC toolpath programs. Users can define and store machining processes for multi-pocket operations as dedicated templates and store them in catalogs for reuse. Enterprise IP is capitalized and recycled to make programming more efficient. The gains in productivity and machining-work standardization are significant.
A single design-to-machining solution to better understand engineering changes
Based on the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform, NMD provides an unrivaled level of associativity between product engineering, manufacturing processes, and resources. Companies can manage concurrent engineering and manufacturing flows more effectively and shorten the design-to-manufacturing cycle. NMD offers industry-best support of design changes and design variants and the rapid creation of programs for families of parts. Native implementation links connect machining programs to engineering and manufacturing data, for cutters, for example. These links can be used to see which machining programs are impacted by engineering or manufacturing changes, ensuring that machining data is up to date with engineering changes.
A Setup Wizard and an immersive, context-based user interface
NMD immerses users in a realistic 3D environment. A toolpath creation wizard and context-based menus are available to help do quick 3D setup and create the NC tool path. Traffic lights signal if parameters need to be defined. If a user clicks on a Help icon while editing a parameter, an image describing the parameter pops up in the panel. Users can quickly organize programs in the activities process tree using copy-and-paste functions. Tool changes and machine rotations are automatically generated and can be visualized in the activity process tree.
Manage and program machining resources
NMD lets users manage CNC machines, accessories, tools and tool assemblies. These resources can be retrieved through standard search capabilities, using relevant machining attributes, and instantiated in a machining cell. Users can clearly see the impact of changes on the definition of objects such as parts or cutting tools across all NC processes and programs. NMD supports default or customized representations of the cutter and tool assemblies that are used for verification, simulation with material removal, and collision checking.
Automatic association of prismatic machining features with part design
NMD automatically recognizes the prismatic machining features of the product design, significantly reducing toolpath programming time. A manufacturing view of the design part is generated, with all the drilling and milling features that are to be machined. Through this embedded feature-recognition technology, NMD enables toolpath programming for geometrical-machined, feature-creation design parts—even those with no design feature specifications.
Best-in-class machining strategies for efficient programming of milling machines
NMD offers a broad range of machining operations for toolpath definition, including pocketing, facing and contouring. These operations can be defined as multi-level and multi-pass. The tool path can be optimized for high-speed or point-to-point machining and for a full set of axial operations from standard drilling to complex boring and chamfering. NMD offers unique functionalities for creating and verifying milling, drilling, and probing operations. Probing operations are very flexible and can be customized with associated user parameters. NMD extends the 2.5 axis capabilities by offering a best-in-class 4-axis pocketing operation that includes a variety of strategies, island management and user-defined lead angle on the tool axis for better cutting conditions. This operation also supports non-cylindrical and non-conical surfaces and revolution surfaces going beyond the 180 degrees.
High-end strategies from roughing to finishing
NMD offers a full set of high-end strategies from roughing to finishing, such as sweeping, Z-Level, contour-driven machining, and curve machining. It automatically generates tool paths for the entire part. Users can also author operations needed to machine specific features. High-speed milling features and specific pattern operations for hard-material machining, such as concentric, trochoid, and helix 3D are included. The concentric strategy controls the radial engagement to maximize the efficiency on the machine while protecting the cutter. With this powerful combination, users can drive program generation to shape a proven-quality tool path and get the best possible machine usage.
Powerful roughing and seamless roughing rework
Users can select a roughing strategy—such as back-and-forth, helical, concentric or part-offset—based on the material being machined and the shape of the part. NMD takes tool assemblies into account during computation to generate a collision-free tool path. As roughing operations are defined, the in-process part is computed and used as the starting point for the next set of operations. Users can then create a new roughing operation with a smaller diameter tool. This tool path is automatically generated based on material that remains from any previous operation, including roughing.
Tool path optimization: early resolution of NC machine kinematics errors
NMD lets users identify potential machine-tool kinematic issues during toolpath computation and automatically correct the tool path when errors are found. Kinematic-related errors, such as axis out-of-limit and singularity issues that are normally discovered downstream during machine-tool simulation or physical test runs are now found and solved at the earliest possible point in the business process—during toolpath computation–resulting in huge productivity gains.
Instant Update Technology, and advanced design change management
Adjusting parameters in the machining operation, fine-tuning the approach/retract macro, and optimizing path sequencing are achieved almost instantaneously in NMD with this unique technology. Built on the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform, NMD offers complete associativity with design tools, product engineering, manufacturing processes, and resources. Users are automatically alerted to product design changes and can quickly assess their impact on the machining process. They can easily update the toolpath program.
Advanced simulation capability
NMD has powerful simulation capabilities for toolpath validation. This simulation functionality brings one of the most advanced machine simulation modules to the market to identify potential issues earlier in the process. NMD has the capability to compute the volume of gouges in the workpiece, making it easier for users to prioritize and process gouges in machining programs. Near misses, which are the user defined safety distance, are also identified and multiple tool change locations are also supported for a more accurate simulation of the machine motions. The simulation context , saved in the 3DExperience platform, allows the user to organize his review the most convenient way for him and it also ensures traceability of the validation task. It allows users to program, optimize and validate the machining in the most efficient way. It lets NC Programmers identify toolpath errors earlier in the process and shortens programming time.
Seamless NC data generation
NMD offers seamless generation of APT source and NC Code ISO format through the integrated post-processor execution engine, the library of standard post-processor syntax mapping tables and Post Processor samples. The output formats can easily be customized. The output is generated and managed in the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform. Additional files generated by the post-processor are also automatically saved, so all relevant outputs for any part are current and available at the same location. Key information can be exported as documentation for ready reference on the shop floor.
Wire EDM Machining
NMD allows users to simulate, validate, and program wire Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) processes. Users have the ability to compute the wire EDM path and program the synchronization of each end of the wire to the part contours. Users can implement 2 and 4 axes programming capabilities with dedicated wire EDM strategies, and visualize and validate their program strategy, and then produce the machine code to be used in the real machine. As with all DELMIA Machining applications, users can save and re-use best practices by creating the wire EDM paths, storing them in a template, and then re-using the same strategy on other parts to be machined.
NC Multi-Axis Milling Programmer
Program machines to perform advanced prismatic milling using 2.5 axis operations
NC Multi-Axis Milling Programmer (NMX) lets NC programmers create, optimize, and validate multi-axis milling programs. They can program machines to perform advanced prismatic milling using 2.5 axis operations and they have the ability to switch to 5-axis motion. Powerful operations let NC programmers control the machining of complex, highly specific areas. NMX provides a complete range of multi-axis milling strategies, speeding and simplifying the programming of complex multi-cavity parts with high levels of automation. It includes a full set of features for workpiece setup, cutter tool assembly, and toolpath simulation that include material removal and NC code generation.NMX makes it easy to access current information about machining resources, programs, and machine tool setup. NC programmers can capture and leverage enterprise intellectual property and collaborate with other stakeholders as they develop NC toolpath programs.
Create multi-axis NC programs efficiently with powerful automated tools
• Maximize machine tool utilization
◦ NMX’s wide range of operations and strategies helps programmers create toolpath programs that minimize non-value-added motion. Optimized NC programs, including high-speed machining features, reduce overall machining cycle time. NMX takes in-process parts into account to generate collision-free tool paths. The 3-to-5 converter option delivers high-speed milling wherever the initial constant tool axis can be held, and high-quality machining without tool change with 5-axis motion locally
• Mitigate risk to production
◦ NMX’s realistic presentation of 3D enables programmers to create optimized NC programs in the manufacturing context: NC machine, cutter, tool assemblies, NC accessories and other elements. This provides a better understanding of the machining cell and ensures that the tool path and machining strategy take the tool’s physical environment into account. It reduces the risk of unexpected issues and production delays.
• Accelerate NC programming
◦ NMX users can quickly author and edit NC programs for multi-axis milling machines. NMX delivers dedicated multi-pocket operations for efficient machining of 80 percent of the part with a high level of automation. Powerful operations, such as Flank Contouring or Multi-Axis Curve with Interpolated Tool Axis, give NC Programmers full control for machining very specific areas and allow them to complete their jobs. Intuitive graphic dialog boxes, traffic light indicators for undefined machining parameters, and help icons for each parameter operation make the process highly efficient. Tool changes and machine rotations are automatically generated and can be visualized in the machining operation definition panel. Copy-and-paste functions help organize programs in the specification tree. Users can define and store machining processes for complex operations as dedicated templates and store them in catalogs for reuse. Enterprise IP is capitalized and recycled to make programming more efficient
• A single design-to-machining solution to understand engineering changes
◦ NMX gives NC Programmers an unrivaled level of associativity between product engineering, manufacturing processes, and resources. Companies can manage concurrent engineering and manufacturing flows more effectively and shorten the design-to-manufacturing cycle. NMX offers industry-best support of design changes and design variants and the rapid creation of programs for families of parts. Native implementation links connect machining programs to engineering and manufacturing data. They can be used to see which machining programs are impacted by engineering or manufacturing changes, like a new cutter, for example, and to see whether machining data is up to date with engineering changes
Create multi-axis tool paths quickly and efficiently
• A Setup Wizard and an immersive, context-based user interface
◦ NMX immerses users in a realistic environment. A toolpath creation wizard and context-based menus are available to enable quick 3D setup and create the NC tool path. Traffic lights signal if parameters need to be defined. If a user clicks on a help icon while editing a parameter, an image describing the parameter pops up in the panel. Users can quickly organize programs in the activities process tree using copy-and-paste functions. Tool changes and machine rotations are automatically generated and can be visualized in the activity process tree.
• Manage and program machining resources
◦ NMX lets users manage CNC machines, accessories, tools, and tool assemblies. These resources can be retrieved through standard PLM search capabilities using relevant machining attributes, and instantiated in a machining cell. Users can clearly see the impact of changes on the definition of objects such as parts or cutting tools across all NC processes and programs. NMX supports default or customized representation of cutter and tool assemblies used for verification, simulation with material removal, and collision checking
• Automatic association of prismatic machining features with part design
◦ NMX automatically recognizes the prismatic machining features of the product design, significantly reducing toolpath programming time. A manufacturing view of the design part is generated, with all the drilling and milling features that are to be machined. Through this embedded feature-recognition technology, NMX enables toolpath programming for geometrical-machined, feature-creation design parts—even those with no design feature specifications
• Best-in-class machining strategies for efficient programming of milling machines
◦ The tool path can be optimized for high-speed or point-to-point machining and for a full set of axial operations from standard drilling to complex boring and chamfering. Probing operations are very flexible and can be customized with associated user parameters. NMX extends the 2.5-axis capabilities by offering a best-in-class 4-axis pocketing operation that includes a variety of strategies, island management and user-defined lead angle on the tool axis for better cutting conditions. This operation also supports non-cylindrical and non-conical surfaces and revolution surfaces going beyond the 180 degrees
• High-end strategies from roughing to finishing
◦ NMX offers a full set of high-end 3-axis milling strategies from roughing to finishing, such as sweeping, Z-Level, contour-driven machining and curve machining. Users can select a roughing strategy—such as back-and-forth, helical, concentric or part-offset—based on the material being machined and the shape of the part. NMX takes tool assemblies into account during computation to generate a collision-free tool path. As roughing operations are defined, the in-process part is computed and used as the starting point for the next set of operations. Users can then create a new roughing operation with a smaller diameter tool. This tool path is automatically generated based on material that remains from any previous operation, including roughing. NMX provides a full set of multi-axis milling strategies, including spiral milling, tube machining, curve following, flank contouring, helix, and interpolated axis along isoparametric mesh
• On – the – Go (Disconnected Mode)
◦ The new On – the – Go option allows Simulation Engineers to disconnect from the 3DEXPERIENCE® Platform for up to 30 days. Once disconnected, the user can continue to use the capabilities of the machining application. Tool Paths, Operations, Profiles and other features can be created and edited while disconnected. Upon reconnecting, automatic data reconciliation will ensure your changes are preserved in the database
• Dedicated operations that speed the programming of multi-cavity parts
◦ NMX provides a unique approach to global and automatic programming of multi-cavity parts, such as thin-walled aerospace structural parts, that significantly reduces programming time. The operations that support this approach are Power Machining and Multi-Pocket Flank Contouring. Users need less geometry preparation and fewer surface selections to define machining operations
• Tool path optimization: early resolution of NC machine kinematics errors
◦ NMX lets users identify potential kinematic issues during toolpath computation and automatically correct the tool path when errors are found. Kinematic-related errors such as axis-out-of-limit or singularity issues that are normally discovered downstream during machine-tool simulation or physical test runs are now found and solved at the earliest possible point in the business process to generate huge productivity gains
• Increased productivity from Instant Update Technology and advanced design change management
◦ Adjusting parameters in the machining operation, fine-tuning the approach/retract macro, and optimizing path sequencing are achieved almost instantaneously in NMX with this unique technology. Built on the3DEXPERIENCE® platform, NMX offers complete associativity with design tools, product engineering, manufacturing processes, and resources. Users are automatically alerted to product design changes. They can quickly assess their impact on the machining process and easily update the toolpath program
• Powerful simulation capabilities for toolpath validation
◦ NMX’s highly advanced machine simulation module identifies toolpath errors early in the process to shorten programming time. It lets NC programmers develop, optimize and validate machining with maximum efficiency
• Seamless NC data generation (including NURBS output)
◦ NMX offers seamless generation of APT source and NC Code ISO format through the integrated post-processor execution engine, the library of standard post-processor syntax mapping tables and Post Processor samples. The output formats can easily be customized and managed within the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform. Additional files generated by the post-processor are also automatically saved, so all relevant outputs for any part are current and available at the same location. Key information can be exported for reference on the shop floor. NMX supports the NURBS APT file format, providing greater flexibility and precision for machining free-form contours and surfaces. It improves the quality of the machined part while reducing the generated file size
NC Prismatic & Turning Programmer (NPT-OC)
Produce 3D parts that require advanced 2.5-axis milling and turning operations
With NC Prismatic & Turning Programmer (NPT), users can program milling and turning machines to produce 3D parts that require advanced 2.5-axis milling and turning operations. They can program complex multi-tasking mill-turn machines with synchronization and part transfer capabilities.
The 3D environment immerses NC Programmers in a realistic virtual workplace as they create, optimize, and validate NC programs for 2.5x milling and turning processes. NPT provides a full set of features for workpiece setup, cutter tool assembly, and toolpath simulation that include material removal, machine-tool simulation and NC code generation. NC programmers can capture and leverage enterprise intellectual property and collaborate with other stakeholders as they develop, validate, and optimize NC programs. NPT makes it easy to access current information about machining resources, programs, and machine tool setup.
Maximize machine tool utilization.
NPT’s wide range of operations and strategies helps programmers create toolpath programs that minimize non-value-added motion. Optimized NC programs, including high-speed machining features, reduce overall machining cycle time. NPT takes in-process parts into account to generate collision-free tool paths.
Mitigate risk to production.
NPT’s 3D environment enables programmers to create optimized NC programs in the manufacturing context: NC machine, cutter, tool assemblies, NC accessories and other elements. This provides a better understanding of the machining cell and ensures that the tool path and machining strategy take the tool’s physical environment into account. It reduces the risk of unexpected issues and production delays.
Leverage intellectual property.
NPT improves automation and standardization of NC tool path programs. Users can define and store machining processes as dedicated templates, and store them in catalogs for reuse. Company intellectual property is capitalized and re-used to make programming more efficient. The gains in productivity and machining-work standardization are significant.
A single design-to-machining solution to understand engineering changes.
Based on the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform, NPT provides an unrivaled level of associativity between product engineering, manufacturing processes, and resources. Companies can manage concurrent engineering and manufacturing flows better and shorten the design-to-manufacturing cycle. NPT offers the best available support of design changes or design variants and the rapid creation of programs for families of parts. Native implementation links connect machining programs to engineering and manufacturing data. These links can be used to see which machining programs are impacted by engineering or manufacturing changes. Like a new cutter, for example, and to see whether machining data is up to date with respect to engineering changes.
Manage and program machining resources with powerful multi-tasking mill-turn capabilities
NPT lets users manage CNC machines, accessories, tools and tool assemblies in 3D. These resources can be retrieved through standard search capabilities using relevant machining attributes and instantiated in a machining cell. Users can clearly see the impact of changes on the definition of objects such as parts or cutting tools across all NC processes and programs. NPT supports default or customized representation of the cutter and tool assemblies that are used for verification, simulation with material removal, and collision checking. Programmers can author NC programs for complex mill-turn machines with multiple spindles and turrets using synchronization features, balance turning, and part-transfer capabilities. Through an immersive, intuitive interface, users can synchronize operations and passes within an operation and define part-transfer activities.
Automatic association of prismatic machining features with part design
NPT automatically recognizes the prismatic machining features of the product design, significantly reducing toolpath programming time. A manufacturing view of the design part is generated, with all the drilling and milling features that are to be machined. Through this embedded feature-recognition technology, NPT enables toolpath programming for geometrical-machined, feature-creation design parts—even those with no design feature specifications.
Best-in-class machining strategies for efficient programming of turning and mill-turn machines
NPT also offers a full set of high-end turning operations such as roughing, finishing, groove turning, groove finishing, and thread turning for accurate toolpath definition. NC Programmers can also author turning operations to address B- and C-axis interpolations of mill-turn machines.
Creation and optimization of 2.5-axis milling, drilling and probing operations
NPT offers a broad range of machining operations for toolpath definition, including pocketing, facing, and contouring. These operations can be defined as multi-level and multi-pass. At the user’s request, the tool path can be optimized for high-speed machining. Point-to-point machining is available, as well as a full set of axial operations from standard drilling to complex boring and chamfering. Several dedicated strategies for hard material are included such as trochoidal milling, concentric milling and spiral morphing. The concentric strategy control the radial engagement to maximize the efficiency on the machine while protecting the cutter. NPT offers unique functionalities for creating and verifying milling, drilling, and probing operations. Probing operations are very flexible and can be customized with associated user parameters. NPT extends the 2.5 axis capabilities by offering best-in-class 4-axis pocketing that includes a variety of strategies, island management, and user-defined lead angle on the tool axis for better cutting conditions. This operation also supports non-cylindrical and non-conical surfaces and revolution surfaces going beyond the 180 degrees.
On – the – Go (Disconnected Mode)
The new On – the – Go option allows Simulation Engineers to disconnect from the 3DEXPERIENCE® Platform for up to 30 days. Once disconnected, the user can continue to use the capabilities of the Machining Application. Tool Paths, Operations, Profiles and other features can be created and edited while disconnected. Upon reconnecting, automatic data reconciliation will ensure your changes are preserved in the database.
Quick toolpath verification and editing
Toolpath replay allows the generation and verification of individual operations or of the complete program. Users can visualize the in-process part and analyze remaining material. Alternative machining strategies can be tested to obtain collision-free trajectories. The tool path can be replicated, mirrored, translated and locally edited. The Compare Part and Remaining Stock command displays only the differences. NPT Improves toolpath verification by pinpointing a lack of material or material in excess.
Advanced simulation capability
NPT has powerful simulation capabilities for toolpath validation. This simulation functionality brings one of the most advanced machine simulation modules to the market to identify potential issues earlier in the process. NPT has the capability to compute volume of gouge in the workpiece, making it easier for users to prioritize and process gouges in machining programs. Near miss (at user defined safety distance) are also identified, and multiple tool change locations are also supported for a more accurate simulation of the machine motions. The simulation context , saved in the 3DExperience platform, allows the user to organize his review the most convenient way for him and it also ensures traceability of the validation task. It allows users to program, optimize and validate the machining in the most efficient way. It lets NC Programmers identify toolpath errors earlier in the process and shortens programming time.
High levels of automation and standardization
Machining processes can be defined as dedicated templates and stored in a catalog for re-use. The stored template can be retrieved and applied to the design features of the part geometry. The company’s intellectual property is capitalized and re-used to make programming more efficient. NC objects and attributes are handled as Knowledgeware objects in order to increase the level of automation and standardization in NC program creation.
Seamless NC data generation
NPT offers seamless generation of APT source and NC Code ISO format through the integrated post-processor execution engine, the library of standard post-processor syntax mapping tables and Post Processor samples. The output formats can easily be customized. Additional files generated by the post-processor are also automatically saved in the same container in the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform, thus ensuring that all relevant outputs for a given part are available at the same location and are up to date. The manufacturing program’s key information can be exported as documentation for reference on the shop floor.
NC Prismatic Machine Programmer (NPM-OC)
Program 2.5 Axis Milling and Wire EDM Machines to create 3D parts
NC Prismatic Machine Programmer (NPM) enables users to program advanced 2.5-axis milling machines and 2 and 4 axes wire EDM machines to create 3D parts. The 3DEXPERIENCE® platform immerses NC programmers in a realistic virtual workplace as they create, enhance and validate milling and EDM programs. It provides easy access to up-to-date information for machining resources, NC programs and part set-up. The 3D environment immerses NC Programmers in a realistic virtual workplace as they create, optimize, and validate milling programs. It provides easy access to up-to-date information for machining resources, NC programs, and part setup.
NPM provides a full set of features for workpiece setup, cutter tool assembly, and toolpath simulation that include material removal, machine-tool simulation and NC code generation. NC programmers can capture and leverage enterprise intellectual property and collaborate with other stakeholders as they develop, validate, and optimize NC programs.
Reduce NC programming time.
NPM makes NC programmers more efficient with features like intuitive graphic dialog boxes, traffic light indicators for undefined machining parameters, and a help icon for each parameter operation. When NC programs are authored or edited, NPM takes into account the machine tools kinematic definition. Tool changes and machine rotations are automatically generated and can be visualized in the machining operation definition panel.
Maximize machine tool utilization.
NPM’s wide range of operations and strategies helps programmers create toolpath programs that minimize non-value-added motion. Optimized NC programs, including high-speed machining features, reduce overall machining cycle time. NPM takes in-process parts into account to generate collision-free tool paths.
Mitigate risk to production.
NPM’s 3D environment enables programmers to create optimized NC programs in the manufacturing context: NC machine, cutter, tool assemblies, NC accessories and other elements. This provides a better understanding of the machining cell and ensures that the tool path and machining strategy take the tool’s physical environment into account. It reduces the risk of unexpected issues and production delays.
Leverage intellectual property.
NPM improves automation and standardization of NC tool path programs. Users can define and store machining processes for multi-pocket operations as dedicated templates, and store them in catalogs for reuse. Company intellectual property is capitalized and re-used to make programming more efficient. The gains in productivity and machining-work standardization are significant.
A single design-to-machining solution to understand engineering changes.
Based on the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform, NPM provides an unrivaled level of associativity between product engineering, manufacturing processes, and resources. Companies can manage concurrent engineering and manufacturing flows better and shorten the design-to-manufacturing cycle. NPM offers the best available support of design changes or design variants and the rapid creation of programs for families of parts. Native implementation links connect machining programs to engineering and manufacturing data. These links can be used to see which machining programs are impacted by engineering or manufacturing changes. Like a new cutter, for example, and to see whether machining data is up to date with respect to engineering changes.
A Setup Wizard and an immersive, context-based user interface
NPM immerses users in a realistic environment. A toolpath creation wizard and context-based menus are available to help do quick 3D setup and create the NC tool path. Traffic lights signal if parameters need to be defined. If a user clicks on a help icon while editing a parameter, an image describing the parameter pops up in the panel. Users can quickly organize programs in the activities process tree using copy-and-paste functions. Tool changes and machine rotations are automatically generated and can be visualized in the activity process tree.
Manage and program machining resources
NPM lets users manage CNC machines, accessories, tools and tool assemblies. These resources can be retrieved through standard search capabilities, using relevant machining attributes, and instantiated in a machining cell. Users can clearly see the impact of changes on the definitions of objects such as parts or cutting tools across all NC processes and programs. NPM supports default or customized representation of the cutter and tool assemblies that are used for verification, simulation with material removal, and collision checking.
Automatic association of prismatic machining features with part design
NPM automatically recognizes the prismatic machining features of the product design, significantly reducing toolpath programming time. A manufacturing view of the design part is generated, with all the drilling and milling features that are to be machined. Through this embedded feature-recognition technology, NPM allows geometrical-machined, feature-creation design parts—even on those with no design feature specifications.
Creation and optimization of 2.5-axis milling, drilling and probing operations
NPM offers a broad range of machining operations for toolpath definition, including pocketing, facing, and contouring. These operations can be defined as multi-level and multi-pass. At the user’s request, the tool path can be optimized for high-speed machining. Point-to-point machining is available, as well as a full set of axial operations from standard drilling to complex boring and chamfering. Several dedicated strategies for hard material are included such as trochoidal milling, concentric milling and spiral morphing. The concentric strategy helps control the radial engagement to maximize the efficiency on the machine while protecting the cutter. NPM offers unique functionalities for creating and verifying milling, drilling, and probing operations. Probing operations are very flexible and can be customized with associated user parameters. NPM extends the 2.5 axis capabilities by offering best-in-class 4-axis pocketing that includes a variety of strategies, island management, and user-defined lead angle on the tool axis for better cutting conditions. This operation also supports non-cylindrical and non-conical surfaces and revolution surfaces going beyond the 180 degrees.
Wire EDM Machining
NPM allows users to simulate, validate, and program wire Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) processes. Users have the ability to compute the wire EDM path and program the synchronization of each end of the wire to the part contours. Users can implement 2 and 4 axes programming capabilities with dedicated wire EDM strategies, and visualize and validate their program strategy, and then produce the machine code to be used in the real machine. As with all DELMIA Machining applications, users can save and re-use best practices by creating the wire EDM paths, storing them in a template, and then re-using the same strategy on other parts to be machined.
On – the – Go (Disconnected Mode)
The On – the – Go option allows Simulation Engineers to disconnect from the 3DEXPERIENCE Platform for up to 30 days. Once disconnected, the user can continue to use the capabilities of the Machining Application. Tool Paths, Operations, Profiles and other features can be created and edited while disconnected. Upon reconnecting, automatic data reconciliation will ensure your changes are preserved in the database.
Quick toolpath verification and editing
Toolpath replay allows the generation and verification of individual operations or of the complete program. Users can visualize the in-process part and analyze remaining material. Alternative machining strategies can be tested to obtain collision-free trajectories. The tool path can be replicated, mirrored, translated and locally edited. The Compare Part and Remaining Stock command displays only the differences. NPM Improves toolpath verification by pinpointing lack of material or material in excess.
Advanced simulation capability
NPM has powerful simulation capabilities for toolpath validation. This simulation functionality brings one of the most advanced machine simulation modules to the market to identify potential issues earlier in the process. NPM has the capability to compute gouge volume in the workpiece, making it easier for users to prioritize and process gouges in machining programs. Near misses at user defined safety distance are also identified, and multiple tool change locations are also supported for a more accurate simulation of the machine motions. The simulation context , saved in the 3DExperience platform, allows the user to organize his review in the most convenient way and it also ensures traceability of the validation task. It allows users to program, optimize and validate the machining in the most efficient way. It lets NC Programmers identify toolpath errors earlier in the process and shortens programming time.
High levels of automation and standardization
Machining processes can be defined as dedicated templates and stored in a catalog for re-use. The stored template can be retrieved and applied to the design features of the part geometry. The company’s intellectual property is capitalized and re-used to make programming more efficient. NC objects and attributes are handled as Knowledgeware objects in order to increase the level of automation and standardization in NC program creation.
Seamless NC data generation
NPM offers seamless generation of APT source and NC Code ISO format through the integrated post-processor execution engine, the library of standard post-processor syntax mapping tables and Post Processor samples. The output formats can easily be customized. Additional files generated by the post-processor are also automatically saved in the same container in the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform, thus ensuring that all relevant outputs for a given part are available at the same location and are up to date. The manufacturing program’s key information can be exported as documentation for reference on the shop floor.